평화군축센터 군비축소 2020-05-19   1643

[Webinar] Youth Actions for Climate, Disarmament, Sustainable Development

“청년이 세상을 구원할거야.” 기후 위기 해결, 군축과 평화, 지속 가능한 개발을 위해 전 세계 곳곳에서 행동하는 청년들이 있습니다. 이러한 청년들의 목소리와 행동을 연결하고, 촉진하기 위해 기획된 웹세미나 <Webinar: Youth Actions for Climate, Nuclear Disarmament and Sustainable Development>를 소개합니다.


세미나는 참여연대가 함께하고 있는 핵무기 폐기를 위한 국제 네트워크인 Abolition 2000 등에서 주최했으며, 라이브 영상은 이곳에서 다시볼 수 있습니다. 참여연대 평화군축센터 역시 한국 청년 발표자로 안보 개념의 변화와 군축의 필요성, 한반도 평화 프로세스의 상황과 한국 시민사회단체의 활동에 대해 이야기를 나눴습니다. 


Youth action webinar

Webinar on Youth Actions for Climate, Nuclear Disarmament and Sustainable Development – Session II

May 19 2020, 9:00am – 12:00pm (CET) / 16:00pm – 19:00pm (Seoul)


Youth movements for climate action, peace and nuclear disarmament have sprung up in Europe and around the world in the past few years. Young people have become concerned about existential threats to current and future generations, and increasingly frustrated at the insufficient action by governments to address these threats.


The corona virus pandemic has reinforced the need for governments and the international community to focus more on universal human security issues – like public health, climate and peace – and to move away from nationalism and militarism.  Youth are well aware of the changes needed.


This webinar will include voices of civil society and youth from climate, peace, disarmament and sustainable development campaigns to inspire further action and to encourage intergenerational dialogue.


Organized by

Abolition 2000 Youth Network, World Future Council, Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament, Basel Peace Office





Vanda Proskova (Czech Republic) Program Officer, PragueVision Institute for Sustainable Security. Social Media coordinator for Move the Nuclear Weapons Money


Panel 1: 9:00 – 10:20 (CET)

  • Introduction: Tony Robinson (UK) Abolition 2000 Coordinating Committee
  • Sooyoung Hwang (South Korea) Manager of Center for Peace and Disarmament, Peoples Solidarity for Participatory Democracy (PSPD)
  • Cristopher Cruz (USA) Co-Founder / Outreach Director, Nuclear Free Schools.
  • Takuya Moriyama (Japan) PNND Japan Coordinator. Researcher at Peace Depot. Coordinator of the Citizens’ Watch Project (monitoring peace and denuclearisation of North East Asia).
  • Nuriya Azamatova (Kazakhstan) Organizer & Ambassador, Youth Peace Week Kazakhstan.  
  • Q&A, discussion


20 minute coffee break


Panel 2: 10:40 – 12:00 (CET)

  • Mostafiz Ahmed (Bangladesh) PNND South Asia Youth Program Coordinator
  • Nicole Ponce (Philippines) Member of the I am Climate Justice team. Research Fellow for the Normandy Chair for Peace.
  • Junhong Min (South Korea) Member of Student Friends of the NPT
  • Chaimae Sebbani (Morocco/Czech Republic) Project leader, Youth Voices for Climate, Peace and Nuclear Disarmament
  • Q&A, discussion
  • Closing comments: Tony Robinson (UK) Abolition 2000 Coordinating Committee


Click here to watch the Live streem video

Click here to check the Session 1


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