PSPD in English Peace/Disarmament 2012-01-15   2689

Declaration by Three Hundred Eleven Representatives for A Nuclear Free East Asia


Declaration by Three Hundred Eleven Representatives for A Nuclear Free East Asia 

Last March 11, Mother Nature’s unforgiving tidal waves devastated the Japanese shores, dealing a heavy blow to East Asia’s preeminent consumerist society. The resulting explosion at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Northeast Japan destroyed all illusions of how safe nuclear energy is around the world. This catastrophe demands that Asia and the rest of humanity reexamine the merits of a civilization that is built upon abundance and consumption. 

Declarations for denuclearization from European nations stem from nuclear plant accidents like Chernobyl and Fukushima. Germany declared that it would immediately shut down its seven antiquated nuclear reactors and completely phase out its nuclear program by 2022. Belgium, a country with the second highest nuclear plant density in the world, pledged to close its reactors. Switzerland also confirmed its nuclear power free policy by deciding to decommission its nuclear power plants as soon as they reach the end of their lifetimes. 

Meanwhile, South Korea, China and Japan, the most relevant nations, still cannot break away from their obsessions with nuclear power. Despite the 3.11 catastrophe, China is building 27 new nuclear power plants on the East coast in addition to its preexisting 14 plants. The Japanese government has not officially discarded its policy of supplying 50% of the nation’s electricity with atomic energy, even though 80% of the population support denuclearization. The 

Korean government has plans to increase the number of nuclear power plants from 21 to 34 by 2024 and expand its nuclear power plant industry with an additional investment of 200 trillion won, a budget that is ten times that of the Four Rivers Restoration Project. This is a devastating idea that will effectively nuclearize the entire Eastern side of the Korean peninsula. 

Korea, China and Japan have no boundaries between them when it comes to environmental pollution, ecology and climate change. In addition to its own nuclear plants, South Korea is surrounded by atomic power plants on China’s east and Japan’s west coasts. The nuclear power plants of Kyushu and Shimane in Japan are closer to Korea than they are to Tokyo. The intertwined nature of East Asia’s nuclear perils has created a foreboding path of crisis. It is the mission of the Korean-Chinese-Japanese civil societies to transform this path into a network that guarantees peace and life. 

As history has taught us, nuclear material is synonymous with anti-peace, anti-life and anti-civil. Humanity has long lived without nuclear or atomic power, and human civilization is fully capable of continuing to do so even after denuclearization. Nature has always been impartial in providing humankind with sufficient power and wisdom for survival. The sun, wind, and water are examples of nature’s beautiful solutions. Nuclear power free does not mean giving up energy, but transitioning to natural energy. Wind power and solar energy, ridiculed in the past as fantasy, are growing by 30% annually. 

However to achieve a nuclear power free Korea, China and Japan (the world’s most dangerous nuclear zone) will not be possible without a coalition of East Asian civil societies. It is also the key to substantial denuclearization on the Korean peninsula including North Korea. The more we share information on the dangers of nuclear power and spread technology and wisdom regarding natural energy, the more East Asia will become the center of peace, not conflict; of life, not destruction. Today, along with this declaration, we are launching the Network for A Nuclear Free East Asia, which aims at accomplishing this goal. 

To remember the catastrophe of 3.11, the Network for A Nuclear free East Asia will consist of 311 members from Korea, Japan, China and other countries. The one hundred Korean representatives are announcing their declaration to commemorate this decisive starting point. citizens in Asia, but will also usher in wisdom and a sacred transformation of the 3.11 catastrophe into an era of peace and life. Accomplishing this aim of a peaceful Asia, requires international 

support from citizens all over the world. We urge all citizens, in East Asia and around the world who depend on electricity to become part of this historic declaration to transition to nuclear power free, natural energy, and thereby solidify this brilliant moment in East Asia’s narrative. 

November 23, 2011 

100 Declarers for A Nuclear Free East Asia 


東アジア脱原発・自然エネルギー 311 人宣言

 今年 3 月 11 日、大自然は巨大な津波によって東アジアでは初の近代物質社会を開いた日本を直撃しました。日本の東北地方の福島原発の爆発により、安全な原子力という根拠のない世界的な神話は崩壊しました。この大震災は豊かさや消費に基づいた文明に対する深い省察を、アジアを越えて人類史的に求めています。


 ドイツを始め、ヨーロッパ諸国の核放棄の約束や宣言は、チェルノブイリや今回の福島原子力発電所事故から始まっています。ドイツは、老朽化した原発 7 基の即刻閉鎖と 2022 年までの脱原発を宣言しました。

原発の保有密度が世界で 2 番目に高いベルギーも原発を放棄することにしました。スイスも原発の設計耐久期限を超え次第、完全閉鎖する脱原発政策を確定しました。

 最も直接的な当事国である韓国・中国・日本は驚いたことに依然として原子力への執着から抜け出せていません。既に、14 基の原発を持つ中国は 3・11 大震災の後にも 27 基の原発を中国の東海湾岸に追加的に建てています。日本は国民の 80%が脱原発を支持しているという世論にも関わらず、50%を原子力に頼るという電力政策を公式的に廃棄していません。韓国は 21 基の原発を 2024 年まで 34 基に拡大し、また、

200 兆ウォンをかけて原発産業を拡大するという計画を持っています。これは 4 大河川の土木工事費用の10 倍であり、朝鮮半島の東側を事実上原子炉化する破滅的な発想です。




 歴史から学んできたように、核は反平和であり、反生命で、また、反市民的です。核と原子力なしにも人類は長く生き続けてきており、核放棄後にもこの文明社会はいくらでも持続できます。大自然は人類が生き抜く力や知恵を初めから必要なだけ公平に与えてくれました。太陽・風・水がその美しい答えです。核放棄はエネルギーの放棄ではなく、自然エネルギーへの転換を意味します。長い間、幻想だとして無視されてきた風力エネルギーや太陽エネルギーは年平均 30%の速度で発展しています。



韓国・中国・日本・他の 311 人による、東アジア脱原発・自然エネルギーネットワーク

東アジア脱原発・自然エネルギーネットワークは、3・11 大震災を教訓にするという意味から 311 人で構成されます。韓国、日本それぞれ 100 人ずつ、残りの111人は中国やその他の国の人々が参加する計画です。

この宣言は日韓市民連帯の新たな歴史を切り開くだけでなく、3・11 大震災を平和や生命の自然エネルギー時代へと進んでいく立派な知恵の第一歩になると信じます。電気を使用している市民の皆さんでも脱原発と自然エネルギーへの転換をめざすこの歴史的なネットワークに参加して、東アジアの偉大な記憶を築きましょう。 

동아시아 탈원전 311선언.doc 



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