PSPD in English Archive 2001-04-03   1176

Asia Regional Studies to Activists supporting Migrant Workers

Asia Regional Studies to Activists supporting Migrant Workers

The Resource Center for Asian NGOs (RCAN) at Sungkonghoe University developed the Leadership Programme for Migrant Workers in Korea and provided 26 migrant workers staying in Korea with 10 weeks of training in the knowledge and the strategies for organizing necessary social movements to challenge social problems, including the issues of migrant workers. Following the programme, this Asia Regional Studies for Activists supporting Migrant Workers is being organized as a second step of the leadership programme.


Around 300,000 workers from 15 Asian countries have been replacing Korean workers in the industrial sector, and they are subsequently forming their own communities in close relationship with the local societies. However, the situation foreign workers confront at their work place in Korea is not favorable in terms of communication with employers and co-workers, compensation compared with Korean workers, and legal and political status. Especially, a large number of the undocumented migrant workers are in the most vulnerable positions. Since the mid 1990s, the issue of migrant labour has been getting attention from Korean churches, scholars, and related NGOs. They are becoming aware of the necessity for migrant protection and migrant rights. Migrant workers, whether documented or undocumented, have rights as workers and human beings, as embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of UN.

More than 100 national NGOs are devoting themselves to improving the status of migrant workers and protecting their human rights in Korea amidst the growing number of workers. The NGOs have been responding to the needs of migrant workers based on their practices or personal experiences, but are frequently faced with difficulty in providing proper services due to lack of knowledge about the region where the workers came from. The RCAN planned this programme to satisfy the requirements from the activists and add to their capacities. The activists are supposed to obtain a comprehensive background knowledge about Asian countries and the relationships between Asian countries.

Introduction to Programme

Title: Asia Regional Studies to Activist supporting Migrant Workers

Purpose: To provide activists for migrant workers with background knowledge to help their activities

Hosting Org.: Resource Center for Asian NGOs at Sungkonghoe Univ.
Joint Committee for Migrant Workers in Korea

Complementing Org.: Resource Center for Asian NGOs

Target Trainee: Coordinators and Volunteers from NGOs operating for migrant Workers in Korea

Period: 11 April ~ 4 July 2001

Place: Sungkonghoe Univ.


11 April 2001 Human rights of minority group in Korea; Migrant workers 

18 April 2001 Understanding of Asian society

25 April 2001 Workshop on Migrant worker and its prospects in Korea

2 May 2001 Introduction to West Asian countries

9 May 2001 Understanding of Islamic society

16 May 2001 Introduction to East Asian countries; Buddhist countries

23 May 2001 Introduction to Indonesia

30 May 2001 Introduction to the Philippines

13 June 2001 Introduction to Mongolia

20 June 2001 Migrant workers & Refugees

27 June 2001 Migrant workers & International solidarity

4 July 2001 Graduating Workshop


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