PSPD in English About PSPD 2020-05-18   1666

[Annual Report 2019] Stop the Private Interest-Seeking of the Public Officials


Stop the Private Interest-Seeking of the Public Officials


In early 2019, do you remember the continued allegations about lawmakers’ interests over the real estate speculation and the standing committee’s activities? In response, PSPD has requested discussion on legislation to prevent any interest conflicts and has issued a report on the <Status on the Employment Restriction of Retired workers in the Five Institutions related to Tax and Market Supervision> to raise recognition on the problems in operations of the National Fair Commission, Korea Customs Service, The National Tax Service, The Financial Supervisory Service, and The Financial Services Commission.


The National Fair Commission has prepared legislation to prevent a conflict of interest between public officials and has submitted it to the National Assembly. Followed by a lawsuit for not disclosing employment restriction data on retirees and the continuous effort to disclose the results on employment restriction, the amendment on the Public Official Ethics Act,  which discloses the reasons of the employment restriction on the internet, was enacted last October by the National Assembly. This is expected to raise the transparency over the implementation of measures by disclosing the judgment criteria between the retired public officials and newly sought workplaces in the private sector. 


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