[의견서] 한국 시민사회, OECD DAC 동료평가단에 의견서 제출

지난 6월 11일부터 15일까지 OECD DAC 동료검토 실사단이 방한하였습니다. 실사단은 한국 ODA 정책을 평가하기 위하여 정부기관, 시민사회, 학계 등 다양한 이해관계자들을 만나 한국 정책과 집행에 대해 다각도의 이야기를 듣는 자리를 마련하였습니다. 참여연대를 포함한 여러 시민사회단체 역시 6월 14일 OECD DAC 동료검토 실사단을 만나 한국 정부의 ODA 정책과 집행과정 등에 대해 평가의견을 나누었습니다. 이후 동료검토 실사단에 한국 시민사회의 평가의견서를 정리하여 제출하였습니다. 해당 의견서 본문은 아래와 같습니다.

한국 시민사회는 의견서를 통해 10개의 권고안을 제시하고 있습니다. 

주요 권고안은 ODA 규모 2015년까지 0.25% 확대, 구속성 원조 폐기, 국제개발협력위원회 권한 강화, 정보공개 및 투명성 강화, 시민사회와의 의사소통 확대 등을 담고 있습니다. 





Korean Civil Society’s 10 Recommendations

for the OECD DAC Peer Review 


This report was prepared for the OECD DAC Peer Review Team, to deliver key recommendations of Korean civil society as a result of the meeting held in Seoul. We propose 10 policy recommendations that address critical issues in the improvement of Korean ODAs. These recommendations cover the issues on the ODA volume, thematic priorities, Country Partnership Strategy (CPS), Untying Aid, transparency, ODA management and coordination, capacity to scale up, Knowledge Sharing Program (KSP), enabling environment, and partnership with NGOs.


ODA Volume, Channels, and Allocations


1. ODA Volume

Despite the Korean Government’s continuous pledge to increase its ODA volume and ODA/GNI ratio, it seems to be finding it difficult to meet its promise by 2015. The total ODA volume of Korea has been increasing since 2006, but its ODA to GNI ratio has remained 0.12% since 2010, which is far behind its target of 0.25%. To reach its target, it is expected to increase its total ODA budget by 20% each year. Therefore, we recommend that the Korean government formulate a concrete action plan to increase Korea’s ODA/GNI ratio to 0.25% by 2015.


2. Thematic Priorities

The 2008 Special Peer Review of OECD DAC recommended streamlining the sectoral focus of Korean bilateral ODAs. According to the Strategic Plan for International Development Cooperation of the Korean Government, however, its priority sectors are related to the work of various ministries, committees, and agencies. Therefore, we recommend that the Korean government limit its priority sectors and focus on value-added areas.


3. Country Partnership Strategy (CPS)

The Prime Minister’s Office developed Formulation Guidelines for Integrated CPS and designated a task force composed of concerned desk officers from relevant ministries and agencies. As seen in the current process of establishing Integrated CPSs, however, each ministry was assigned to make its own CPS instead of assigning a Country Team to make government-wide CPS. As mentioned in the guidelines, it is highly important to ensure the full and meaningful participation of all the stakeholders in the CPS-making process, and the CPS should fully reflect the partner country’s priority.


Aid Effectiveness and Results


4. Untying Aid

In accordance with the Paris Principles and the guidelines and recommendations of the Development Assistant Committee of the OECD, the Korean government should integrate grants and concessional loans in its ODAs through an untied aid channel. Even if Korea meets its 75% pledge, 75% is still lower than the average untying aid of other DAC members.


5. Transparency

To make Korean ODAs more transparent, the participation of civil society in the whole process of the planning, implementation, and evaluation of ODAs must be ensured. The current volume of information provided to the public is very limited, comprising only basic data.


Organization and Management


6. ODA Management and Coordination

After the 2008 Special Review was conducted, the Korean government formulated new laws, strategies, and policies on its international development cooperation activities. Due to the lack of sole authority of the Committee for International Development Cooperation (CIDC), it cannot effectively play the role of a negotiation channel between agencies that handle grants and loans, and its aid fragmentation problem has worsened. Therefore, it urgently needs to establish an independent agency or ministry that can come up with a comprehensive strategy on international development cooperation.


7. Capacity to Scale up

Due to the personal management policy in Korea, Korean civil servants working on development cooperation frequently turn over and their capacity does not match with. Therefore, it is recommended to increase a number of expertises on development cooperation.


8. KSP

The Korean government should include social development experience such as democratization, democratic governance and the role of Civil Society in policy monitoring and advocacy in its Knowledge Sharing Program (KSP), which is currently focused only on economic development.


Partnership with NGOs


9. Enabling Environment

The Korean government should create an enabling environment for CSO development effectiveness, as well as further empower CSO to implement Istanbul Principles. Korean government should provide necessary assistant for Korean CSO to engage more actively in policy advocacy work at the international level such as UN and OECD. 


10. Partnership with NGOs

The amount of Korean ODAs delivered through NGOs is very small, compared to that in other DAC countries. The Korean government should actively listen to the opinions of civil society by increasing official consultations with it in the policy-making process, and should encourage civil participation.






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