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IAEA 총회 북핵문제 결의안(국, 영문)-2000. 9. 23

2000. 9. 23

제44차 IAEA 총회 북핵 문제 결의


a)IAEA 이사회 결의(GOV/2636, GOV/2639, GOV/2645, GOV/2692, GOV/2711 및 GOV/2742)와 총회 결의(GC(XXXⅦ)/RES/624, GC(XXXⅧ)/ RES/16, GC(39)/RES/3, GC(40)/RES/4, GC(41)/RES/22, GC(42)/ RES/2 및 GC(43)/RES/3)를 상기하며,

b)IAEA 사무총장이 총회 및 이사회 보고(2000.9.11)에서 진전이 없음을 언급한데 대해 우려를 표명하며,

c)안보리 결의 825호(93.5.11) 및 의장성명(94.3.31, 94.5.30, 94.11.4), 특히 북한의 안전조치 협정 전면 이행을 검증하기 위해 북한이 IAEA가 필요로 하는 모든 조치를 취할 것을 요구한 것을 상기하며,

d)북한이 NPT에 잔류하고 있음에 유의하고 IAEA-북한간 안전조치 협정이 유효함을 확인하며,

e) 북한의 안전조치 협정 전면 이행 의사 및 안전조치 관련 미결현안에 대한 IAEA-북한간의 협의에 또한 유의하며,

f) 이러한 협의에 있어서 정보보존 등 주요 문제에 대해 진전이 없음을 유감으로 생각하며,

g)사무총장의 총회 및 이사회 보고에 기술된 추가 요소들에 의해 북한의 최초보고서의 정확성과 완전성 검증을 위한 전면적이고 시의적절한 IAEA 협력의 필요성이 더욱 강조되고 있음을 주목하며,

h) 북한의 IAEA 탈퇴를 유감으로 생각하고 북한이 IAEA에 복귀하기를 희망하며,

i)최근 동북아 정세의 긍정적인 발전을 환영하며, 동 발전이 관련 협정의 전면 이행에의 길을 열기를 희망하며,

1.IAEA 이사회가 취한 조치를 적극 승인하고, IAEA 사무총장 및 사무국이 IAEA-북한간 안전조치 협정 이행을 위해 그간 공정한 노력을 기울인 점을 평가한다.

2.북한 핵시설 동결 감시에 있어 IAEA 역할의 중요성을 인정하고 유엔 안보리의 요청에 따라 IAEA 사무국이 북한 핵시설 동결 감시 활동을 계속하고 있음을 평가한다.

3.북한이 NPT 회원국으로 잔류하고 있음에도 불구하고, IAEA가 북한의 최초 보고서의 정확성과 안전성을 검증할 수 없으며, 따라서 북한내에서 핵물질이 전용되지 않았다는 결론을 내리지 못하고 있는 데 대해 지속적인 우려를 가지고 주목한다.

4.북한이 IAEA 안전조치 협정을 전면 이행하고, 안전조치 협정 이행을 위해 IAEA에 전적으로 신속히 협력하며, 북한의 안전조치 이행시까지 최초보고서의 정확성 및 완전성 검증과 관련된 제반 정보를 보존하기 위해 IAEA가 필요로 하는 제반 조치를 북한측이 취할 것을 촉구한다.

5.동건을 IAEA에서 계속 현안으로 다루며, ꡒNPT 관련 IAEA-북한간 안전 조치 협정 이행ꡓ이란 제목으로 제45차 IAEA 총회 의제에 포함시키기로 결정한다.




The General Conference

(a) Recalling the Board of Governors’ resolutions GOV/2636, GOV/2639, GOV/2645, GOV/2692, GOV/2711 and GOV/2742 and General Conference resolutions GC(XXXVII)/RES/624, GC(XXXVIII)/RES/16, GC(39)/RES/3, GC(40)/RES/4, GC(41)/RES/22, GC(42)/RES/2 and GC(43)/RES/3,

(b) Noting with concern the lack of progress reflected in the Director General’s report contained in document GC(44) 16 and in his Introductory Statement to the Board of Governors of 11 September 2000,

(c) Recalling further resolution 825(1993) adopted by the Security Council of the United Nations on 11 May 1993 and 31 March 1994, 30 May 1994 and 4 November 1994 statements by the President of the United Nations Security Council, particularly the request to take all steps the Agency may deem necessary to verify full compliance by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) with its safeguards agreement with the Agency,

(d) Noting that the DPRK remains a party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and reaffirming that the IAEA-DPRK safeguards agreement (INFCIRC/403) under the Treaty remains binding and in force,

(e) Noting also the stated intention of the DPRK to come into full compliance with the safeguards agreement and the continuing IAEA-DPRK discussions on outstanding safeguards issues,

(f) Noting with regret that in these discussions no progress has been made on important issues such as the preservation of information,

(g) Noting that additional factors, as described in the Director General’s Report GC(44)/16 and in his Introductory Statement of 11 September 2000 to the Board of Governors, further underline the need for full and timely co-operation by the DPRK with the Agency in regard to the verification of the completeness and correctness of the DPRK’s initial declaration,

(h) Regretting the withdrawal of the DPRK from the Agency and expressing the hope that the DPRK will rejoin, and

(i) Welcoming recent positive developments in Northeast Asia and expressing the hope that this will open the way to progress towards full implementation of the relevant agreements,

1. Strongly endorses actions taken by the Board of Governors and commends the Director General and the Secretariat for their impartial efforts to implement the IAEA-DPRK safeguards agreement;

2. Recognizes the important role of the IAEA in monitoring the freeze of nuclear facilities in the DPRK and commends the Secretariat for its continuous efforts to monitor the freeze of specified facilities in the DPRK as requested by the United Nations Security Council;

3. Notes with continuing concern that, although the DPRK remains a party to the NPT, the IAEA continues to be unable to verify the correctness and completeness of the initial declaration of nuclear material made by the DPRK and is therefore unable to conclude that there has been no diversion of nuclear material in the DPRK;

4. Urges the DPRK to come into full compliance with its safeguards agreement with IAEA, to co-operate fully and promptly with the Agency in the implementation of the safeguards agreement and to take all steps the Agency may deem necessary to preserve all information relevant to verifying the accuracy and completeness of the DPRK’s initial report on the inventory of nuclear material subject to safeguards until the DPRK comes into full compliance with its safeguards agreement; and

5. Decides to remain seized of this matter and include in the agenda for its forty-fifth regular session an item entitled “Implementation of the agreement between the Agency and the DPRK for the application of safeguards in connection with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons” 

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