카터 전 대통령에게 보내는 한국시민사회단체의 공개서한 (2002. 11. 27)

2002년 11월 노벨평화상 수상자로 결정된 카터 전 미국 대통령에게 북핵문제의 평화적 해결을 위해 중재역할을 해 줄것을 요청하는 시민사회단체의 공개서한


(단체서명 포함 첨부자료 참고)

November 27, 2002

Dear President Carter:

We would like to offer our sincere congratulations on your winning the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002. It is an overdue honor for a highly esteemed mediator in conflict resolution and a dedicated human rights leader. Your endless efforts in helping resolve major disputes and monitoring elections have meant substantial progress in world peace.

The people of the Korean peninsula, remember with heartfelt thanks your visit to Pyongyang in 1994 to eventually save Korea from the looming threat of war: You certainly deserve the Nobel Peace Prize for having brought peace when the Korean peninsula was on the brink of war. The people in Korea have been profoundly moved by your priceless dedication and unstinting efforts for peace on the Korean peninsula and Northeast Asia.

We feel the current Bush administration’s posture toward North Korea’s nuclear weapons program is quite likely to provoke another crisis.

North Korea has made determined efforts for consistent and potentially dramatic changes in its economy and society, during the past four months. Those changes include economic policy reformation by employing new pricing and incentive systems and ending the central rationing system; the abortive appointment of a Chinese-born tycoon to oversee its newest free-trade zone in Sinuiju; the confession of abductions of Japanese citizens; and the participation by its athletes in the 2002 Asian games in South Korea. North Korea has seemingly been able to gain guarded support from neighboring countries like Japan, Russia, South Korea, and China. Unfortunately though, the Bush administration has been reluctant to admit North Korean overtures.

It is also our understanding that North Korea feels insecure in the face of the Bush administration’s insistence on regime change, preemptive strategy as suggested in the Nuclear Posture Review, and new national security strategy in which the Bush administration places North Korea on the list as a target for a preemptive attack.

The vociferous allegation of North Korea’s admission to having a nuclear weapons program has not been confirmed yet. Despite many different voices and suggestions for the solution of this crisis, we believe that the basic premises of the Agreed Framework of 1994 must be respected, observed, honored, and guaranteed by the parties concerned. We are very anxious about the fact that the sanctions oriented policy without talks favored by the Bush administration including the suspension of implementing obligations stipulated in the Agreed Framework may lead to a horrible war crisis again.

All Koreans, under these circumstances, hope you will play a key role in bringing talks and peace as you did in 1994. We ask you to help us again in overcoming this crisis.

— (1) We hope you can call for the parties concerned to pursue peaceful resolution when you deliver the Nobel Prize acceptance address.

— (2) We also desire that you might intervene to mediate between North Korea and the United States as you did in 1994.

— (3) We would like you to visit Seoul and Pyongyang to encourage the Korean people who fear a possible war.

In this post-cold war era, the Korean people have suffered from the threat of war as many as five times during the past twelve years. Thus, we are determined to do our utmost for the cause of long-lasting peace on our peninsula.

With warmest regard and deepest respect,

Hyun-Sook Lee Sang Jung Park

Co-representative Co-representative

Women Making Peace Peoples’ Solidarity of People’s Democracy



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