평화군축센터 파병 2003-05-02   592

[반전평화문화기행] 조지 마이클의 ‘The Grave’

이라크 어린이들을 위한 자선앨범 ‘Hope’중에서

지난 4월 21일 폴 매카트니, 데이비드 보위, 트래비스 등 세계적 가수 18명이 이라크 어린이들을 돕기 위해 자선 앨범을 발표했다. ‘Hope’라는 타이틀이 붙은 이 앨범의 판매 수익은 모두 War Child 라는 자선단체에 전달될 예정이다. 이 앨범 중에서, 영국의 반전가수 돈 맥클레인이 71년에 발표한 곡을 조지 마이클이 다시 부른 ‘The Grave’를 소개한다.

*War Child와 이 단체에 참여하고 있는 음악인들에 대해서는 다음 편 ‘반전평화문화기행’에서 소개할 예정입니다.


The grave that they dug him had flowers

Gathered from the hillsides in the bright summer colours

And the brown earth bleached white at the edge of his gravestone

He’s gone

When the wars of our nation did beckon

A man barely twenty did answer the calling

Proud of the trust that he placed in our nation

He’s gone

But eternity knows him and it knows what we’ve done

And the rain fell like pearls on the leaves of the flowers

Leaving brown muddy clay where the earth had been dry

And deep in the trench he waited for hours

As he held to his rifle and prayed not to die

But the silence of night was shattered by fire

As guns and grenades blasted sharp through the air

One after another his comrades were slaughtered

A morgue of marines alone standing there

He crouched ever lower, ever lower, in fear

They can’t let me die, they can’t let me die here

I’ll cover myself with the mud and the earth

I’ll cover myself I know I’m not brave

The earth, the earth, the earth is my grave

The grave that they dug him had flowers

Gathered from the hillsides in bright summer colours

And the brown earth bleached white at the edge of his gravestone

He’s gone


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