PSPD in English Archive 2002-08-24   1007

Asia-Africa Beyond Globalization

The Spirit of Bandung and a New World Order

Communique of the Conference on Asia-Africa Beyond Globalization

The conference on “Asia-Africa Beyond Globalization: The Spirit of Bandung and a New World Order” held in Bandung, Indonesia on 26-28 June, 2002 reaffirmed the significance of revitalizing the Spirit of Bandung for people, social organizations, governments, and nations of Asia-Africa as well as all other nations in the world who advocate independence and freedom (many of whom were once subjects of colonialism and are now victimized by the consequences of globalization). An alternative, peaceful and just world is possible as long as people and governments cooperate for a future of solidarity against the implications of globalization.

The participants are committed to working and advocating for a new world order that is more peaceful and just. This is indeed a manifestation of the human spirit that longs for life in abundance for all people. Attempts to recover the Spirit of Bandung do not necessarily mean actions opposing certain countries, faiths, or ideologies. On the contrary, it is a movement against economic globalization -a situation that has brought about suffering, misery, famine and millions of deaths, especially among children and women.

The main purpose of this conference is to note that agony and hardship, and that new forms of slavery and re-colonization in the countries of Asia-Africa, among other parts of the world, result from economic globalization propagated and perpetuated by superpowers using sophisticated technologies and military might. Globalization, far from creating a better world, has exacerbated social and economic problems. This is no more evident than in the destruction of national economies, breaching national sovereignty, violation of territorial integrity, wars and threats of wars, and in the rising number of migrant laborers (including children and women), as well as street children.

Based on the experiences of the countries of Asia-Africa, the participants of the Bandung Conference hereby stress the following:


1. Global Economic justice

We are facing a process of economic globalization that continues to drown many people into poverty while concentrating enormous wealth and power to a few corporations and countries in the world. This immoral scenario leads to violence and a threat to world peace if no serious measures are taken. We are particularly against the huge growth of international capital movements, one of whose consequences has been the increasing privatization of external financing for developing countries. We are also against an unjust trade system that continues to impoverish the peoples of Asia and Africa. We call upon a serious implementation of economic, social and cultural rights that would enable countries of Asia and Africa to develop their own people-centered economies.

The following proposals should be taken into account:

A. The Financial System:

a. Debates on new financial architecture should include representatives of all developing countries and members of civil society

b. To deter excessive, destabilizing currency speculation by applying a currency transaction tax (CTT) to curb short-term volatility of capital movements and exchange rates.

c. To establish a multi-lateral agreement that allows states to tax PNCs on a global unitary basis with the appropriate mechanisms to allocate tax revenues internationally.

d. To support the proposal for an international convention to facilitate the recovery and reparation of funds illegally appropriated from national treasuries of poor countries.

e. To create under the auspices of the UN an arbitration mechanism to resolve problems of foreign debts

f. To cancel all illegitimate debts because they are immoral, and campaign for payment of historical, social and ecological debts

g. To transform the IMF, World Bank, and WTO to be more democratic

h. To curb both national and international corruption

B. Trade

a. Work for a just trade which encompasses economic, social and cultural rights

b. Advocate for resolving the deficiencies and imbalances of WTO agreements; work for just trade that eradicates poverty and safeguards the environment; and advocate for banning the patenting of all life forms

c. Advocating against the commodification of all life forms and its support systems; and that GATT should be decoupled from the WTO

2. Conflict resolution through dialogue

It is highly important that all disputes, including border disputes among countries of Asia-Africa be resolved through respectful dialogue keeping in line with the Ten Principles of Bandung, thus consciously circumventing any interference by foreign powers. We must learn from history that war never resolves (d) any dispute.

3. Democracy, human Rights, and the elimination of all forms of discrimination

The conference calls upon all the Asia-Africa nations to establish democratic institutions, to implement all UN resolutions and to adopt all human rights declarations. The conference also urges the elimination of all forms of discrimination and strongly condemns the manipulation of issues of race and religion to fuel conflicts and violence.

4. Terrorism and violence

Terrorism and violence should not be the mode of settling conflicts or advocating for causes, however scared or justified. The conference participants uphold the sanctity of life as a basic foundation of humanity. Any war on terrorism should take into consideration the root causes behind the use of violence and must, at the same time, show restraint and wisdom in dealing with such complex issues. Justice must be enforced, and military solutions must not be considered the primary mode of conflict resolution. Furthermore, state terrorism must be exposed and condemned.

5. Recovering the Spirit of Bandung

While reaffirming its abiding faith in the Spirit of Bandung, the conference also suggests that as we are approaching the fiftieth anniversary of the Bandung Conference (1955), governments, peoples?movements, and like-minded organizations must work together (in the Spirit of Bandung) to give a new meaning and direction to new liberation struggles of the peoples of Asia-Africa which will lead to the creation of a new world order based on the values of equality, justice, cooperation, sharing and mutual empowerment ?ultimately, for the globalization of human dignity.

6. Civil society through peoples?movements

In order to confront globalization and seek alternative ways to create a new world order based on human dignity, this conference encourages the establishment, maintenance and strengthening of civil society as advocated by and manifested in the peoples?movements which are leading the struggles for human rights, dignity, and respect for life. Through the action of people, participation, citizenship and democratization should be seen as priorities of social action.


The participants of the conference particularly stressed:

1. In Asia: the peaceful resolution of the border dispute between India and Pakistan, eliminate the negative consequences of the war on terrorism being waged in Afghanistan, prevent the divisive religious and ethnic conflicts and human rights violations in the form of police torture, caste and gender discrimination taking place in various parts of Asia, and oppose the militarization of Asia-Pacific under the guise of war against terrorism; elimination of trafficking of women and children for exploitative work, including sex-trafficking

2. In Africa: the unconditional cancellation of all foreign debts and elimination of SAPs; to call on the international community to invest heavily in the fight against HIV/AIDS while providing the necessary services and health care for those afflicted; to urge the UN and the international community to halt all military and financial aid to warring factions and countries, and to mediate a peaceful resolution to all ongoing conflicts including The Sudan, Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Guinea;

3. In the Middle East: To supporting the struggle of the people of Palestine for the right to live a dignified life based on justice and the right to self-determination; to pursue peaceful resolution of conflict based on principles of humanity and the collective will of the people manifested in the relevant UN resolutions; ending the suffering of the people of Iraq by advocating for the lifting of the embargo and opposing any future war on the country

4. Women bear a disproportionate share of the costs of globalization. Moreover, globalization reinforces existing patterns of exclusion, deepens poverty and increases social inequalities. Through women to women Asia-Africa solidarity, we must promote a new economic order that is equitable and sustainable; which enables the dynamic participation of woman and places utmost importance on the values of life, human rights and dignity.


The participants wish to extend appreciation to all those who made this conference possible, including the Indonesian authorities, the sponsors as well as the organizers. A follow-up plan in envisioned to re-ignite and maintain and the Spirit of Bandung through similar and complementary activities in other areas of the world. This conference must be seen as a means, not and end in itself, for our collective struggles for a free, just and dignified world. We pray that the future will bring about more alternatives to domination through people-power and that this conference will be seen as a first step in revitalizing the Asia-Africa spirit of Bandung.

Freedom, once and forever.

Bandung, June 28th, 2002

ASIA AFRICA BEYOND GLOBALIZATION; The Spirit of Bandung and a New World Order

June 26-28, 2002 in Maranatha Christian University, Bandung, Indonesia

Bandung, June 28th, 2002

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