PSPD in English Int. Solidarity 2011-03-10   4053

The End of Autocratic Government, the Victory of Great Egyptians

The End of Autocratic Government, the Victory of Great Egyptians

The PSPD would like to congratulate the Egyptian people for successfully forcing the resignation of the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak on February 11th. Mubarak’s departure signals the end of thirty years of brutal autocratic government. PSPD welcomes this victory for Egyptian democracy, and would like to deliver support and solidarity to all those who have peacefully worked towards building a democratic nation in the face of oppression.

History has shown again that solidarity and peaceful resistance can bring down the most brutal regimes. Despite Mubarak’s tight grip on the media and brutal attacks on Egyptian citizens, the people’s hopes and dreams of democratization could not be repressed. Instead of yielding to oppressive force, the Egyptian people have resolutely fought for their freedom. Looking beyond ideology and religion, Egyptians have made history to claim democracy for the people in Egypt.
The next challenge for the Egyptian people is the peaceful and successful transition from autocratic government to a government of the people and preparation of democratic institution. As we learned from the processes of democratization in South Korea, Egypt will now be faced with many challenges and struggles along the way to achieving democracy. The reaction of Israel and the United States that lost their ally Mubarak and try to shut off the emerging of Islamic bloc will now play an important part. Despite the difficulties, we would urge the Korean government to give their full support to the Egyptian people in achieving democracy; we would further urge the delivery of Korean ODA to the Egyptian people immediately. As a part of the democratic forces in South Korea and the international community, PSPD pledge to keep supporting the Egyptian people’s peaceful transition to democracy.

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