PSPD in English Socio-Economic 2002-07-08   1305

Stop the Debt Parade!

Starting with the slogan, ‘the reform of using credit cards’

Nowadays, about 100 million credit cards are being used in Korea. Credit cards, tools of financing activity, are embedded in our lives. The IRS can find income and other bases of taxation more easily by credit cards. The IRS can also levy more than before, and cards improve the transparency of society.

In contrast, these are only the fascinating effects of using credit cards. Because of credit cards, escape, crime, suicide, and chain murders have occurred. Debts by using credit cards have been made by an incredible million people. Potentially it could become more than 50% of card users in these days.

In the 100 million credit card era, these bad effects show that tools of civilization, the name of credit, can be changed into deadly weapons. In society, people are wondering about using cards. Likewise, some people dare the credit bust, another potential economic crisis. But at this time, the parade to hell is going on. First, the propensity to consume without thinking of their income level should be prohibited. But this is the first step. This solution alone cannot solve all the problems that come with 100 million credit cards.

In spite of the authorities’ succeeding wonders and advice, the credit card companies do not decrease the operation of cash services. Otherwise, the marketing to increase cash services is going up. Collections through the Internet and telemarketing are increasing.

In contrast to the debt parade, sales, and profits of credit card companies are increasing continuously. Companies anticipate their biggest profits since their foundation. In spite of social problems, we cannot find companies’ efforts to use credit cards more wisely. On the other hand, authorities acknowledge the credit card problems and try to find the policy. But effective policies are not suggested.

Therefore, to solve this crisis, the PSPD urges the authorities and companies to do as follows:

1. the issuance standard of credit card users should be reformed and strengthened
2. policies should be found for preventing extra credit cards
3. interest rates to cash services should be decreased
4. policies for bankrupt and incredible people should be suggested.

With these policies, consumers have to decrease irrational credit card usage and use cards wisely. Further extravagant consumption can make personal and household economy bankrupt. It also can bring another economic crisis after the Asian economic crisis. From now on, we start our activities thorough demonstration, law, institution and policy. Stop the debt parade!


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