PSPD in English Peace/Disarmament 2003-07-25   666

Armistice 50th Anniversary Peace Announcement

This is a peace announcement to celebrate its 50th anniversary. It is announced on the 27th of September by the National Council for Peace on the Korean Peninsula which consists of representatives of civil organisations and about 40 politicians from both parties.

50 years since the Korean War.Seventy million people in South and North have co-lived for half century leaving a space of the155 miles truce line feeling insecurity of out-breaking war in any circumstances. It says, “The truce line does not exist only on the land”. It shows fear of war that imposes distrust and hostility, confrontation and interception on both South and North, which reduces potentials and chances of our nation. It must end the wasting and distrustful cold war ear. From armistice to peace treaty, today must bring peaceful coexistence and reconciliation to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Armistice.

However, the fear of war casts a show on the Korean peninsular nevertheless of hopeful mind of people in this nation. Conflicts between the North and the U.S. has been deepened after expressing the US suspicions of nuclear development by the North and the North claiming an inviolable right against the U.S. A containment offensive of the U.S. increases the threat of out-breaking war in the Korean peninsular by striking the North first.

To secure the safety issue in the Korean peninsular and to build a peace keeping system in the Northeast Asia, civil organisations, the National Assembly and both party members regardless of belonging groups proclaim the followings last May.

We are against development, distribution and usage of nuclear weapons. According to this, we are against nuclear weapon development by the North and distribution of it by the U.S. in the Korean peninsular. Proclaim of anti-nuclear weapon by the South and North must have a high regard. A containment offensive of the U.S. must be wiped out clearly.

North Korea Nuclear issues must be solved amicably through sincere conversation by the North and the U.S. Any type of war that threats people’s lives must not be allowed. Blockade and military force cannot provide any kind of solution. Using military force should not bring about an obstacle to have conversation with the North and fall apart of the North Administration.

We are against offensive the U.S. military re-arrangement and establishing MD system which ascribe increasing tension in the Korean peninsular to Korea. We also are against increasing armament by Japan in this reason. Keeping peace must be obtained in a peaceful way. It must not allow any kind of offensive military force or increasing tension by stimulating neighbour countries like China. The South Korea Administration must run through a consistent policy for peace keeping in the Korean peninsular and the Northeast by self-reliance of national defence and minimization of an arms race.

In order to resolve the military conflict between the Korean peninsular and the Northeast region, it is recommendable to revoke the restraining economic development of the North Korea and lead to examinable nuclear disposal through upgraded negotiation. It is required of correspondence and patience of neighbour countries including the South Korean government. It is also required for the North Korea to make an effort to have a sincerer conversation which leads to a rational resolution through multilateral discussion.

Looking back last 50 years, we have not done enough for building peace, reconciliation, co-existence and prosperity. The circumstances after war made to drive forward to them almost impossible. As a consequence, we were not aware of what we need the most and how we achieve them. However, continuing conversation and progressive correspondence between the South and North show a glimpse of possibility of peaceful co-existence and requiring patience.

Any significant changes are not yet proven. There are still full of threats. However, it is impossible to deny that most people started to dream of building peace on this land. It is the right time to make a movement. In this period of post cold war, we need to show our desire to peace on this land in the world.

– It is appealed to people on this land.
Let’s make a progress to eliminate the threat of war in the Korean peninsular and to make an amicable resolution of the North Korea’s nuclear problems. Let’s step forward together to transfer the 50years’ Armistice to permanent peace system.

– It is appealed to government and civil organisations.
Let’s build a strong solidarity beyond difference of thoughts and interests by parties to keep our peace and protect our nation from threat of war.

– It is appealed to President Roh.
As a President who claim peace and prosperity in the Northeast region, he must keep a consistent policy of solving the North Korea’s nuclear problem and eliminate the possibility of military collision and blockade policy in order to make a solid foundation for peace and prosperity in the region.

– At last, it is appealed to World peace loving party. It is required to gather power of international armistice peace solidarity following Iraq war for amicable solution in the Korean peninsular.

Peace is a life, a fundament right and mankind’s long-cherished desire which has been abused without difficulty. War and threats of war must be eliminated in the world. Military collision and conflict must be removed too. Let’s stop threatening world by war and march on the 21st century with peace and prosperity in the Korea peninsular and the Northeast Asia.

2003. 7. 27. the National Council for Peace on the Korean Peninsula


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