국제연대위원회 유엔UN 2013-06-05   1836

[참고] 마가렛 세카기야 UN 인권옹호자 특별보고관 출국 기자회견

마가렛 세카기야 UN 인권옹호자 특별보고관 출국 기자회견 안내

일시 및 장소 : 2013년 6월 7일(금) 오전 11, 코리아나호텔 7층



유엔 인권옹호자 특별보고관 마가렛 세카기야(Margaret Sekaggya, UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of Human Rights Defenders)씨가 5월 29일부터 시작된 한국 공식방문 일정을 마치고 6월 7일(금) 출국 기자회견을 개최합니다. 지난 10일간의 공식방문 기간동안 세카기야 씨는 정부부처, 입법부, 사법부, 주한 유엔기구, 국가인권위원회 및 다양한 분야의 시민사회단체들과 기업 면담을 진행했습니다. 이번 기자회견에서 마가렛 세카기야 특별보고관은 한국 인권옹호자들이 활동하는 환경에 영향을 미치는 한국의 법제도, 기관, 그리고 다른 요소들에 대한 1차 조사내용과 권고사항을 발표할 예정입니다. 


많은 관심과 참석 부탁드립니다. 


▣ 유엔 인권최고대표사무소의 보도협조요청서 




How do rights defenders work in South Korea?  

UN expert assesses their situation

Friday 7 June at 11:00 am

Koreana Hotel, 61-1, 1Ga, Taepyung-Ro, Chung-Gu, Seoul


SEOUL (5 May 2013) – United Nations Special Rapporteur Margaret Sekaggya will share with the media her preliminary findings at the end of its first mission to the Republic of Korea to evaluate the situation of human rights defenders in the country.


“I have been assessing the context in which defenders work in the Republic of Korea, and the human rights initiatives taken by the authorities at central and local levels,” Ms. Sekaggya says. “This Friday I will discuss with Korean journalists my preliminary observations and recommendations on the country’s legal framework, institutions and other factors influencing the environment in which defenders work.”  


During her ten-day mission, Ms. Sekaggya has been meeting with Government officials, representatives of the legislative and judicial branches, UN agencies in the country, the National Human Rights Commission of Korea, a broad range of civil society actors and private corporations. 


The Special Rapporteur will hold a press conference on Friday, 7 June 2013, at 11:00 am at the Koreana Hotel, 61-1, 1Ga, Taepyung-Ro, Chung-Gu, Seoul, Korea, and conference room 7th floor.


Margaret Sekaggya was appointed Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders by the Human Rights Council in March 2008. Ms. Sekaggya is a lawyer from Uganda with over 30 years of experience with justice and human rights issues, including as Chairperson of the Uganda Human Rights Commission, as a judge and as a university lecturer. She is independent from any Government and serves in her individual capacity. Learn more, log on to:  http://www2.ohchr.org/english/issues/defenders/index.htm


UN Human Rights, Country Page – Republic of Korea: 



For further information and media enquiries, please contact Ms. Dolores Infante-Canibano (+ 41 79 752 0483 / dinfante@ohchr.org) or write to defenders@ohchr.org.

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