평화군축센터 미분류 2003-12-02   717

Statement of International Consultation on the US Bases

– Calling for Joint Actions to Expose Inhuman Sufferings Caused by the US Military Bases around the World

We the participants of the International Consultation on the US Bases held in Seoul on Dec. 1-2, 2003, have identified common problems caused by overseas US military bases and the plight of people affected by their presence in Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, Pakistan, Japan, Okinawa and South Korea.

Manifested in repeated crimes committed by overseas American servicemen such as murder, robbery and rape as well as various harms caused by the presence of the bases such as noise, vibration, water and land pollutions, the issue of impunity enjoyed by those otherwise accountable, we have identified, stands as a gravest threat to the livelihood of people. We have also seen how such situations lead to the rise of anti-American sentiment and demand of pull-out in the public in those affected societies. In fact, it is quite clear that majority of peoples in Asia do not want to host US bases in the region and the call for their withdrawal is gaining more and more support. Nevertheless, there is no steps by the US to return or reduce the level of its overseas military presence. On the contrary, what we see today is an expansive move of the presence in the name of realignment of forces.

Recent developments in each country of the participants point to the fact that the whole reconfiguration of the US overseas forces is carried out as an integral part of its new global strategy of the so-called war on terror, which includes preemptive strikes.

We strongly oppose both the presence of all US overseas military forces in our own respective countries and the new war strategy geared to those forces. For this end, we resolve to commit ourselves to the following common actions.

– We will actively seek to work together in the areas of information sharing, education of young people, and pressing the relevant governmental and political bodies, and will approach various media, international human rights bodies and other agencies to advocate our stance.

– We will all participate the World Social Forum at Mumbai, India, to be held in January 2004, where we will widely expose the crimes caused by the US bases and other arrangements with the US forces, and work to organize wider global actions against it.

– We will plan for a series of international common action days on the US bases issue.

– We will continue to work with the Korean Coalition for Retaking US Bases and Asian Peace Alliance in our future discussions and actions.

2 Dec 2003

Korean Coalition for Retaking US Bases

Asia Peace Alliance

Participants to 2003 International Consultation on US Bases

Center for Peace and Disarmament

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