IPB 세계 평화 회의 World Peace Congress 2021

IPB World Peace Congress


IPB 세계 평화 회의 World Peace Congress 2021

2021년 10월 15일~17일, 바르셀로나 & 온라인 



다가오는 10월 15일부터 17일, 국제평화국(International Peace Bureau, IPB)에서 주최하는 세계 평화 회의(World Peace Congress)가 온·오프라인으로 열립니다. 전 세계가 공통으로 마주한 문제를 비롯해 각국의 다양한 평화 이슈에 대한 논의가 진행될 예정입니다.


세계 평화 회의 웹사이트에서 3일 동안 진행되는 다채로운 프로그램을 살펴보실 수 있으며, 참가 신청 등록을 하시면 온라인으로 누구나 참여하실 수 있습니다. 모든 프로그램은 영어, 스페인어, 카탈루냐어로 진행됩니다. 


1910년 노벨평화상 수상자이기도 한 IPB는 전 세계적인 평화단체 네트워크로, 참여연대도 회원 단체로 함께하고 있습니다. 이번 회의에서는 참여연대와 일본의 피스보트가 함께 <동북아시아의 평화와 협력>이라는 워크숍을 공동 주최합니다. 더불어 <비핵지대 : 강점과 차이> 워크숍에서 동북아시아 비핵지대의 관점에서 한반도 비핵화의 상황에 대해 발표(황수영 팀장)할 예정입니다. 자세한 프로그램과 자료집은 아래를 참고해주세요.

The main goal of the Second IPB World Congress is to provide a space for gathering and sharing experiences for all involved in international peace and justice movements. A place where we can foster synergies between organizations and individuals, and between interconnected social movements fighting for global justice: peace and disarmament advocates, feminist and LGBTQIA+ campaigners, ecologists and climate activists, antiracists and indigenous people, human rights defenders and trade unionists.


We want to promote the inclusion of a peace perspective within these movements, in order to better confront the global challenges of our time: climate change and environmental collapse, gender, racial and economic inequality, the Covid-19 pandemic, mass migrations, refugee crisis, humanitarian emergencies caused by war and repression, and more.


This Congress is an opportunity for diverse people, groups and causes to share strategies and to articulate alternatives together. A space to create and renovate tools and discourse, to mobilize citizens from all across the globe in favor of peace and disarmament. A place where we can (re) imagine our world, and take action for peace and justice. We invite you to join us at the Second World Peace Congress in Barcelona, organized by the International Peace Bureau.

IPB World Peace Congress 2021 workshop

Northeast Asia Peace and Cooperation

17 Oct 2021 (Sun), Online

10:45-12:45 CEST / 17:45-19:45 Seoul&Tokyo /16:45-18:45 Beijing

Northeast Asia is one of the most militarized regions in the world. Competition between the US and China, both nuclear states, is creating yet more difficulties in peacebuilding in the region. The 70 year long Korean War and unstable armistice system on the Korean peninsula has fueled an arms race and nuclear proliferation in Northeast Asia. Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution is a significant pillar for regional and international peace mechanisms, but the Japanese administration continuously tries to revise it. 

This workshop will raise awareness of the current situation surrounding Northeast Asia, bringing together activists from the region and beyond to explore ways to together create peace and cooperation amid the region’s complicated situation.


  • to share the current situation and assessment on issues relating to Northeast Asian  peace and denuclearization
  • to share challenges and difficulties in building peace in Northeast Asia
  • to discuss the role of civil society, and how to strengthen this 


  • Meri Joyce International Coordinator, Peace Boat / Northeast Asia Regional Liaison Officer, Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC), Tokyo


  • Kawasaki Akira Executive Committee Member, Peace Boat / International Steering Group Member, International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), Tokyo
  • Lee Taeho Director of Center for Peace and Disarmament, People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy (PSPD) / Standing Executive Committee Member of Korea Peace Appeal Campaign, Seoul
  • Kevin Martin President of Peace Action, Maryland
  • Wang Danning Fellow, The Charhar Institute, Beijing
  • Suh Jae-Jung Professor for Politics and International Relations at International Christian University
  • Korean National Peace Committee (KNPC) A Call for Peace from the DPRK (North Korea) 

▶ For presentation file for Northeast Asia Peace and Cooperation Workshop see here

▶ For presentation file for Nuclear Weapon Free Zone Workshop (Sooyoung Hwang) see here

IPB World Congress

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